16 Mar, 2022

Why Do You Need a Network Scan for Your Company?

Understanding what devices and users are connected to your corporate network is critical for maintaining security and compliance. Network scanning provides visibility into everything on your infrastructure to enable better protection and management. This article explores network scanning concepts for businesses along with the key reasons your organization needs regular comprehensive scans.

What is Network Scanning?

Network scanning is a process where a network scan tool is used to identify active devices on a grid. This includes servers, workstations, and other net devices. The primary purpose of this scan is to manage, maintain, and secure a system by identifying what devices are running on it and how they are configured. This helps in understanding the network’s structure and in pinpointing potential vulnerabilities.

What is a network scan

Types of Network Scanners

There are various types of network scanners offering different functions:

  • Port scanners – check open ports and associated services on networked devices. Help determine potential attack vectors.
  • Vulnerability scanners – inspect configurations and software versions across the web to detect potential security flaws.
  • Packet sniffers – analyze network traffic to troubleshoot connectivity issues or identify malicious activity.
  • Network mappers – discover all devices on a system and generate maps displaying connections between them.

The Role of Network Scanning in Ensuring Cyber Security

The role of grid scanning in cybersecurity cannot be overstated. By routinely scanning your network, you can identify unauthorized devices, detect changes in the net configuration, and spot potential security risks. This proactive approach is essential in preventing data breaches and cyber attacks, which can be costly for any business.

Scans help admins to:

  • Quickly identify devices that may be vulnerable to exploitation like unpatched servers;
  • Detect Rogue Access Points that may have open backdoors to the network;
  • Find compromised machines controlled by attackers to prevent further intrusion;
  • Continuously monitor infrastructure and address risks before incidents occur.
The Importance of Network Scanning

The Importance of Network Scanning

Network scanning is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to scan network for devices, ensuring that only authorized devices have access to your network. This is a critical step in protecting sensitive company data. Additionally, regular web scans help maintain an up-to-date view of the grid’s security and performance, which is crucial for efficient management.

Advantages of Using a Network Scanner in the Company

Advantages of using a system scanner in the company:

Detection of Security Vulnerabilities

One of the key advantages of using a net scanner is the detection of security vulnerabilities. By using software to scan network computers, you can identify weaknesses in your network’s defenses before they are exploited by malicious actors. This includes outdated software, opened ports, and default passwords that need to be changed.

Reduces Manual Involvement

Network scanning significantly reduces the need for manual intervention. Instead of manually checking each device, a web scan tool can automate the process, saving time and reducing the likelihood of human error. This automation is especially beneficial for larger networks where manual checks are impractical.

You Can Customize What to Scan

Another advantage of system scanners is the customization they offer. Whether you want to perform a local network scan or scan specific network computers, you can set the parameters that suit your specific needs. This flexibility lets you not to spend valuable time and resources for scanning irrelevant parts of the network.

Network Olympus

Network Olympus is an example of a sophisticated system-scanning tool that offers comprehensive features for businesses. It enables companies to efficiently scan for devices on a network, ensuring robust web health and security. Features like local scan and the ability to monitor various network devices make Network Olympus, including Total Network Inventory LAN IP Scanner, a versatile tool for IT professionals.

System-scanning tool

Key Features

  • Scan net for Devices: Discover new or unauthorized devices that may bring a security risk.
  • Scan for Devices on the Network: Easily identify all the devices connected to your network and identify their vulnerabilities.
  • Scan to Network Folder: Simplify file management and sharing across your web area.
  • How to Scan for Devices on Network: Network Olympus provides an intuitive interface for easy scanning.
  • Local Scan: Focus on devices within your local network.
  • Scan Network for Local Administrators: Identify which devices have administrative privileges.
  • Network PC Scan: Monitor the performance and security of individual PCs on the grid.
  • Software to Scan Web Computers: Network Olympus is a comprehensive solution for scanning computers.

In conclusion, net scanning is an essential process for maintaining a secure and efficient network. It helps in the early detection of security vulnerabilities, reduces manual workload, and offers customization to suit the unique needs of your company. Tools like Network Olympus further simplify the process, providing a one-stop solution for all system scanning needs. With the right approach and tools, network scanning can significantly contribute to the overall security, performance and efficiency of your company’s IT infrastructure.