

Understanding what devices and users are connected to your corporate network is critical for maintaining security and compliance. Network scanning provides visibility into everything on your infrastructure to enable better protection and management. This article explores network scanning concepts for businesses along with the key reasons your organization needs regular comprehensive scans.

What is Network Scanning?

Network scanning is a process where a network scan tool is used to identify active devices on a grid. This includes servers, workstations, and other net devices. The primary purpose of this scan is to manage, maintain, and secure a system by identifying what …

Effectively tracking software and hardware assets across company networks simplifies IT management, improves security, and optimizes expenditures. Implementing comprehensive inventory systems provides administrators with indispensable visibility. This overview covers the main benefits of the central device and software inventories for enterprises and the top methods to establish control.

What is a Software Inventory?

Software inventory program refers to the process of keeping track of all the programs and applications installed across a company’s network. It involves identifying, cataloging, and managing the platform assets within an organization. This process helps system administrators understand what app is being used, where it’s installed, …

Keeping the software on your computer up-to-date is extremely important for several reasons. By installing the latest updates and patches that software vendors release, you can benefit from improved security, new features, better performance, and ensured compatibility with other tools and devices. This article will explore the key benefits of timely utility updates of all programs on PC as well as recommendations for checking whether your computer’s software stack is current.

Benefits of Timely Software Updates

As we navigate through the digital landscape, the significance of keeping computer software up-to-date cannot be overstated. Timely tool upgrades are more than just …

Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) are crucial for managing infrastructure and production operations in modern enterprises. Traditionally, OT and IT systems were siloed but integrating them offers significant advantages.

This article delves into the essence of IT and OT integration, underscoring its benefits and the disadvantages of maintaining these domains in isolation. Furthermore, we will explore how Total Network Inventory can play a pivotal role in realizing these benefits.

Unified Integration IT and OT

What is Information Technology (IT)

Information Technology refers to computing infrastructure and systems used for managing data and software applications that support business processes. This includes networks, databases, laptops/desktops, …

Greetings to all readers of our blog! Today we want to once again bring your attention to the future of Total Network Inventory.

As you may know, we strive to keep in touch with the users of our products and listen to your feedback. All ideas and suggestions are recorded and sorted by priority and popularity, and then implemented as soon as possible.

The immediate development plans having been formulated, the team is already working on the next update. Meanwhile, we invite you to vote for what features you’re missing the most in TNI. We’ve picked out the following …

We’re delighted to announce that Total Network Inventory 3 is available today.

TNI 3 is a major update we’ve been working on for quite some time. It’s packed with great stuff.

  • BIG FEATURESoftware Asset Management module.
  • BIG FEATURENew hardware scanning technology: collected data is now far more detailed and more accurate.
  • + lots of less noticeable improvements and bugfixes

Software Asset Manager (SAM)

You may have heard a word or two from us about this one.

Software browser

We’ve brought the Software accounting feature in TNI to the whole new level. You won’t find anything like this in other …