

Greetings, gentlemen! Donald Grizzly at the keyboard, hereby presenting you the new site and blog of Softinventive Lab! This blog, by the way, is totally worth subscribing to. It’s our new dev-log, pro-tips collection and the company herald. Why not subscribe?

You’ve probably noticed the new design of the site. Ah, pretty sea-green gradients. It makes you feel underwater, I guess… whatever. We’ve been making this from scratch, you know. We had some casualties here and there, but all in all we’re through, and we’re happy with it.

But wait, here comes the point.

We’re extremely proud to present…

The new version of Total Network Monitor 1.1.3 (build 1500) has been released.

Starting from this version the program is distributed as freeware. Besides, we have made some fixed and improvements. See details below:

  • NewHost field added to the GET-request (HTTP probe) to support virtual hosting.
  • ImprovedSetting of URL for HTTP probes. Now it is possible to specify the domain (site) name and port for connection.
  • ImprovedSending of e-mail alerts via SMTP. Now FQDN of the local computer is passed with HELO/EHLO commands, as per RFC standards.
  • FixedWindows and File probes. Now the name or IP