
Remote inventory of SNMP devices

Effective network management is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, security, and reliability of an organization's IT infrastructure. With the increasing complexity and scale of modern networks, manual monitoring and management become increasingly challenging and time-consuming. This is where the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) comes into play, offering a standardized and efficient way to monitor and manage network devices remotely.

What is SNMP?

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a widely adopted protocol designed for managing network devices such as routers, switches, servers, network printers, and other network-attached appliances. It enables network administrators to monitor and configure these devices remotely, providing a centralized and efficient approach to network management.

SNMP operates on a manager-agent model. The SNMP manager, typically a software application running on a network management station, sends requests to SNMP agents residing on network devices. These agents collect and store various operational data about the devices, such as interface statistics, error rates, and configuration information.

When the SNMP manager sends a request, the agent responds with the requested data, allowing the manager to monitor and manage the device's performance and configuration. SNMP uses a hierarchical naming convention called the Management Information Base (MIB) to identify and describe the data collected by agents.

How SNMP works

SNMP operates based on a set of well-defined messages and data structures, enabling communication between the SNMP manager and agents. The primary operations in SNMP include:

  • Get Request: The SNMP manager sends a request to retrieve a specific piece of information from an SNMP agent.
  • Get Response: The SNMP agent responds with the requested information.
  • Set Request: The SNMP manager sends a request to modify a specific configuration parameter or setting on the SNMP agent.
  • Trap: SNMP agents can proactively send unsolicited notifications (traps) to the manager, alerting it to specific events or conditions, such as device failures or threshold violations.

SNMP leverages the hierarchical structure of the Management Information Base (MIB) to organize and identify the data collected by agents. MIBs are text files that define the variables (objects) that can be monitored and controlled on network devices, providing a standardized way to interpret and manage device data.

SNMP protocol versions

SNMP has evolved through several versions, each offering different levels of security and functionality:

  • SNMPv1: The original version, introduced in the late 1980s, provided basic monitoring and management capabilities but lacked robust security features, making it unsuitable for use in environments requiring high levels of security.
  • SNMPv2c: An improved version that introduced enhancements such as better error handling, additional data types, and improved performance. However, it still lacked strong security measures, relying on community strings (passwords) for authentication, which could be easily compromised.
  • SNMPv3: The latest version, released in the late 1990s, addresses the security deficiencies of earlier versions by introducing robust authentication, encryption, and access control mechanisms. SNMPv3 is widely regarded as the most secure and recommended version for modern network management, especially in environments with stringent security requirements.

SNMP network discovery software

While SNMP provides a standardized protocol for network management, specialized software tools are required to take full advantage of its capabilities. SNMP network discovery software, such as Total Network Inventory, leverages the SNMP protocol to automate the process of discovering and inventorying network devices.

These tools send SNMP queries to devices within specified IP address ranges or domains, collecting information about their hardware, software, and configuration. By utilizing SNMP, network administrators can rapidly build a comprehensive inventory of their network infrastructure, including routers, switches, printers, VoIP systems, and other managed devices.

Using an SNMP discovery tool like TNI offers several benefits:

  • Automated Network Mapping: Discover and map all SNMP-enabled devices on your network without manual intervention, saving time and effort.
  • Comprehensive Inventory: Build a detailed inventory of your network infrastructure, including hardware specifications, software versions, and configuration details.
  • Remote Monitoring: Monitor device health, performance, and status remotely, enabling proactive maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Configuration Management: Manage and update device configurations from a central location, streamlining network administration tasks.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Generate comprehensive reports and visualizations to analyze network usage, identify bottlenecks, and optimize resource allocation.

Watch printer toner levels over the network

One of the powerful capabilities of the SNMP network discovery tool is the ability to monitor printer toner levels across the network. By querying SNMP-enabled printers, these tools can retrieve information about ink or toner levels, allowing administrators to proactively manage printer supplies and maintenance.

TNI's SNMP scan tool automatically queries connected printers for their toner or ink levels, generating comprehensive reports that display the remaining supplies for each printer. This information enables administrators to order replacements in advance and schedule maintenance before supplies run out, ensuring uninterrupted printing operations and minimizing downtime.

Additionally, SNMP network tools can provide alerts and notifications when printer toner levels fall below specified thresholds, allowing administrators to take prompt action and avoid disruptions to printing services.

network discovery tool

Use the SNMP sweeper to build your IT equipment inventory

Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of network equipment is crucial for effective network management, capacity planning, and IT asset management. However, manually creating and updating such inventories can be time-consuming, error-prone, and often impractical, especially in large and dynamic network environments.

SNMP network discovery tools like TNI streamline this process by automating network scans and leveraging the universal SNMP protocol. TNI's high-performance SNMP scanner allows you to scan specified IP ranges or domains, identifying and cataloging SNMP-enabled devices such as switches, routers, printers, VoIP boxes, and set-top boxes.

By simply clicking on a domain or entering IP ranges, the SNMP sweeper scans the network and compiles a comprehensive inventory of your IT equipment. This inventory includes detailed information about each device, such as hardware specifications, software versions, serial numbers, and configuration details.

The ability to automatically discover and inventory network devices provides several benefits:

  • Accurate Asset Management: Maintain an up-to-date and accurate record of all network devices, enabling better asset tracking, license management, and budgeting.
  • Improved Visibility: Gain visibility into the entire network infrastructure, including devices that may have been overlooked or forgotten during manual inventories.
  • Streamlined Maintenance: By having a centralized inventory, administrators can easily identify devices that require software updates, firmware upgrades, or hardware replacements, facilitating proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
  • Compliance and Auditing: Detailed device inventories aid in meeting regulatory compliance requirements and support auditing processes by providing accurate documentation of network assets.
smnp tool


SNMP network management tools typically provide detailed reports and analysis capabilities to help administrators understand and optimize their network infrastructure. TNI offers comprehensive reporting and visualization features, including:

  • Printable Reports: Generate printable reports containing detailed information about the hardware and software discovered on your network, including device specifications, configurations, and inventory data. These reports facilitate documentation, auditing, and sharing of information with stakeholders.
  • MIB Integration: TNI includes a built-in MIB (Management Information Base) file package and supports integrating additional MIB files from external sources. MIBs define the variables and data structures used by SNMP agents, allowing for better decryption and interpretation of SNMP data. By integrating vendor-specific MIBs, TNI provides more detailed and accurate information about the monitored devices.
  • SNMP Tree: The SNMP tree displays the collected information in a hierarchical format, with detailed hints for each field, facilitating easier navigation and understanding of the SNMP inventory data. This feature aids in troubleshooting and analyzing specific device configurations or performance metrics.
  • Trend Analysis: TNI can track and analyze historical data, enabling administrators to identify trends, detect performance issues, and anticipate potential problems before they occur. Trend analysis can provide insights into resource utilization patterns, helping with capacity planning and resource allocation decisions.
snmp scanning

Save money and maintain your equipment with TNI

Implementing an SNMP network discovery and management tool like TNI can help organizations save money and maintain their network equipment effectively. By continuously monitoring and performing automated SNMP device discovery, administrators can:

  • Proactive Maintenance: Detect and address performance issues or potential failures before they escalate, minimizing downtime and costly disruptions. SNMP monitoring can identify issues such as high error rates, overutilization, or hardware failures, enabling timely corrective actions.
  • Extend Equipment Lifespan: Monitor hardware health and usage patterns, allowing for timely maintenance and repairs, and extending the lifespan of network equipment. Regular monitoring can identify components that are nearing the end of their useful life, enabling planned replacements rather than reactive emergency purchases.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation: Gain insights into resource utilization and identify underutilized or overburdened devices, enabling better capacity planning and resource allocation. By analyzing bandwidth usage, CPU utilization, and memory consumption, administrators can make informed decisions about upgrading or redistributing resources.
  • Reduce Operational Costs: Streamline network management tasks, reduce manual effort, and minimize the need for expensive on-site visits or emergency repairs. Automated scanning and remote management capabilities provided by SNMP tools can significantly reduce operational costs and improve overall IT efficiency.
  • Enhance Security: By continuously scanning and managing network devices, SNMP tools can help identify potential security vulnerabilities or misconfigurations, enabling prompt remediation and reducing the risk of security breaches or cyber-attacks.

By leveraging the power of the scan network for printers and management tools like TNI, organizations can maintain a well-managed, efficient, and secure network infrastructure, optimizing their IT investments and reducing operational expenses while ensuring business continuity and productivity.



27 February 2024

Total Network Inventory 6.2: the beginning of big changes!

TNI has now the ability to work with SQL servers, which will make the program a full-fledged reliable multi-user product.

08 June 2023

TNI 6.1: New interface and functionalities for Data transfer mode

We have significantly redesigned the mechanism and interface of the "Data Transfer" window based on your feedback to the support team.