20 Oct, 2022

Protect Your Network: The Role of Inventory Software in Cyber Security

In an era where digital transformation dictates the pace of business, the significance of robust cybersecurity measures has become supreme. This article will research the crucial role of IT inventory software in bolstering cyber security, providing insights into how organizations can shield their networks from both external and internal threats.

The importance of IT inventory

As companies become more digitized and reliant on complex information technology (IT) systems, having a comprehensive inventory of all hardware and software assets is crucial for security. IT inventory provides visibility into every component on a network: workstations, servers, routers, applications, etc. Therefore, vulnerabilities and risks can be identified and addressed proactively.

Security risks with inventory management software

With the exponential increase in cyber threats targeting businesses today, an accurate IT inventory is one of the foundational elements of any cybersecurity strategy.

The increase in the number of cyber threats in modern times

The digital era has seen an unprecedented rise in cyber threats, making cyber security for companies a top priority.  Phishing, malware, denial-of-service attacks, and other threats are also on the rise as cybercriminals use more advanced tactics to infiltrate systems and steal data. The cost of data breaches is staggering as well. The average cost of a data breach now stands at $4.35 million. For small and mid-sized companies in particular, a single successful breach could spell the end of the business.

The role of inventory software in cyber security

Due to rising threats, real-time visibility and control over the IT environment provided by inventory software play a pivotal role in security. Inventory solutions automatically scan networks to catalog all connected endpoints, assets, software titles in use, open ports, user accounts, configurations, and more.

Armed with this comprehensive view, security teams can identify outdated software demanding patches, suspicious applications that may signal an intrusion, unnecessary open ports presenting risk, and other red flags. The bigger data arrives the more proactive improvement of cyber defenses across the company can be done.

The role of inventory software in cyber security

Information infrastructure monitoring

Ongoing monitoring of IT infrastructure is essential to detect issues quickly before they can be exploited by bad actors. Inventory software continuously scans to update the status of all assets across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.

Security teams can leverage this real-time tracking to get alerts about any unauthorized changes at the moment they occur. For example, if an employee suddenly downloads risky software against the policy, inventory tools will document this immediately to address it. Settings and configurations can also be monitored to meet compliance standards.

Protection against unauthorized software

One of the security risks with inventory management software is the possibility of unauthorized software installations. Inventory software helps mitigate this risk by tracking software installations and ensuring that only authorized applications are running on the network. This control is vital in preventing the introduction of malicious software that could compromise network security.

Inventory management software

The Importance of Inventory Automation for Cyber Security

Manual methods of tracking IT assets and activity simply have no chance of keeping up with the speed and scale of modern IT environments. Human efforts also inevitably miss changes and leave gaps in visibility.

Thus, inventory automation is thus mandatory to monitor infrastructure continuously and obtain the data volume necessary for robust cyber protection. Only software designed for complete automation can scan systems rapidly enough to achieve a frequent refresh rate across vast, complex environments.

Effectiveness and speed of response to threats

Comprehensive inventory data is tremendously useful for accelerating incident response as well. Upon detecting an intrusion or attack, IT teams can consult inventory records to understand exactly what systems and software were impacted, narrow down entry points, strategically isolate components, and take corrective action.

Fast response times are critical for minimizing damage from cyber events. Research shows companies able to contain breaches within 30 days save over $1 million on average compared to those requiring longer. The early warning system and extensive documentation provided by inventory software equip companies to meet this goal.

Ensuring constant monitoring and updating of information

Automated inventory systems ensure constant monitoring and updating of information, a crucial aspect of protecting your network. Inventory tools are designed to run frequent light-touch scans that do not impact performance. This allows the inventory database to remain as current as possible at all times.

Security personnel can then analyze the latest information on demand to watch for threatening changes. When the full scope of the infrastructure is monitored 24/7/365, risk exposure stays minimized.

Monitoring of user activity and access to resources

Inventory automation extends to monitoring user activity and access to resources. This oversight is essential in protecting your company from internal network security threats. By keeping a tab on user access and activities, inventory software can help identify and prevent potential insider threats.

Combining user behavior analytics with comprehensive network insights gives total visibility to thwart external and internal cyber risks. Keeping eyes on both fronts is necessary as insiders now contribute to 28% of cyber incidents.

Total Network Inventory

For optimal network security, organizations need complete visibility over IT infrastructure. Total Network Inventory software provides this through automatic collection of hardware and software details like:

  • All authorized and unauthorized endpoints;
  • Active and inactive devices;
  • Critical applications and services;
  • Software licenses to identify risks;
  • User logins and access permissions.

This level of detail is indispensable in the best ways to protect a companies network attached to the Internet. With total asset inventory, gaps that criminals could exploit are eliminated. Instead of leaving networks susceptible to threats, companies can protect infrastructure through continuous monitoring.

As cyber security software companies continue to innovate, the integration of inventory management into cyber security strategies becomes increasingly vital. From monitoring information infrastructure to safety against unauthorized software, inventory software is a key ally in how to protect your network.

For businesses seeking how to protect company from network breaches, investing in robust inventory solutions is a significant step towards achieving a secure, resilient network. By automating inventory processes and keeping a vigilant eye on network assets, companies can protect and preserve the company network, safeguarding their digital assets against the myriad of cyber threats that loom in the digital age.