


We have not updated Total Network Inventory for a long time, and there were serious reasons for this – we laid the foundation for a complete transition of the architecture to working with databases.

TNI is a product with a long history, dating back to 2006. All this time, we have been tirelessly developing the functionality of the software, making it better and more convenient. This is confirmed by the large number of regular Total Network Inventory users who have been with us for many years.

But, along with the developed functionality for inventorying the hardware and software of …

Hello friends!

The new Total Network Inventory update is here! This time, the Software Accounting Manager received new features and improvements, which has a License Cost Calculator. The new licenses feature “Payments” will allow you to calculate and display a summary of the licenses cost for software installed on the network for certain periods in a few clicks.

  • Big featureThe License Cost Calculator.

Now you can:

Calculate the amount of payment for licenses of a specific publisher for the current month.

Predict the cost of all recurring licenses in the future.

Display payment history for all

Remote software installation allows IT teams to deploy new applications, updates, and patches to devices across an organization from a central location. While efficient, remote setup comes with challenges around keeping devices secure, avoiding conflicts, and selecting the right tools. Understanding common issues and best practices is key for successful automated software rollout.

Problems with Remote Software Installation

A core benefit of remote deployment is enabling instant software updates across an enterprise. However, a lack of IT control over endpoints can lead to critical problems.

Ensuring Devices are Up-to-Date

One of the main challenges in software installation is keeping all …

Effectively tracking software and hardware assets across company networks simplifies IT management, improves security, and optimizes expenditures. Implementing comprehensive inventory systems provides administrators with indispensable visibility. This overview covers the main benefits of the central device and software inventories for enterprises and the top methods to establish control.

What is a Software Inventory?

Software inventory program refers to the process of keeping track of all the programs and applications installed across a company’s network. It involves identifying, cataloging, and managing the platform assets within an organization. This process helps system administrators understand what app is being used, where it’s installed, …

Keeping the software on your computer up-to-date is extremely important for several reasons. By installing the latest updates and patches that software vendors release, you can benefit from improved security, new features, better performance, and ensured compatibility with other tools and devices. This article will explore the key benefits of timely utility updates of all programs on PC as well as recommendations for checking whether your computer’s software stack is current.

Benefits of Timely Software Updates

As we navigate through the digital landscape, the significance of keeping computer software up-to-date cannot be overstated. Timely tool upgrades are more than just …

On December 10, a critical vulnerability was discovered in the Log4j component from the Apache Software Foundation, rated at a maximum of 10 on the CVSS scale.

The Log4j component (also known as Log4Shell and LogJam) is a Java-based logging package used by developers to log errors. At the moment, it is already known that the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability affected a large number of software, including some services of the largest tech companies such as Amazon, Apple, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Steam and IBM. The Dutch Cybersecurity Center has created a regularly updated doc on GitHub listing the affected applications.

With …