07 Jul, 2011

Feature highlight: The Scanner

I’m back again to showcase the new scanner. Like most other things in TNI 2, it’s easy to use and quite self-explanatory, but has some potential that is not at all that obvious. But first things first.

It’s not a wizard anymore. Not a Wizard — I could write a song with this title! Over the years we’ve grown sick and tired of those omnipresent step-by-step wizards that make you follow some unnatural screenplay by an invisible screenwriter while cut off from the rest of the program’s features. Not anymore. It’s a single screen just like the rest of screens: another place for you to do things.

It scans Mac OS X and Linux. Yeah, I believe you already knew that. Stay tuned for the news on FreeBSD support, soon.

It’s task-driven. You create tasks, the scanner executes them.

There is a number of ways to create a task, but the most powerful of them is to use the Quick Add bar.

Let me explain what it does. You type what you want to scan. It creates a task. Simple. Here is what you can type:

  • IP address, “
  • Network name, “DEV_141
  • Subnet, “”
  • IP range, “” or “,5,7” or, say, “
  • Windows workgroup, “WG:MSHOME” (just don’t forget the “WG:” part)
  • Domain controller, “AD:
  • LDAP notation, “LDAP://OU=Seattle,OU=Washington,OU=USA,DC=company,DC=local

Rescanning assets is another easy task. Just open the scanner and drag some assets to the task area directly from the network tree. Bam!

One of the most requested features is the ability to load tasks from text files. You can do it now. A file should contain one task per line. Look for the Load tasks from file button on the sidebar.

To wrap it up. Do you remember that awkward “Watch scan process” thing in TNI 1.6? We stumbled upon this label the other day and freaked out. We actually made you watch… we’re so sorry. Don’t watch scan process anymore. Scanner is great at doing its work in background. As soon as any node is scanned, you can work with it right away, no need to wait for the rest. They’ll be fine.

Don't watch scan process

Ok, we’re done with the scanner for the time being. Consult the user manual for more, if you will. And I just feel like writing some more today! Thus, welcome to the next post about the new network tree!